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- 1 rem
- 2 rem problem #24-2 :
- 3 rem pyramidal printout
- 4 rem solution by
- 5 rem ron weiner
- 6 rem
- 10 open 4,3:input"output to screen or printer (s/p) s[157][157][157]";a$:if a$="s"goto 30
- 20 close 4 : open 4,4
- 30 input "enter any word which has same first and last letters";w$
- 40 print#4,spc(len(w$)-1)left$(w$,1)
- 50 fori=2 to len(w$)-1:print#4,spc(len(w$)-i)mid$(w$,i,1)spc(i*2-3)mid$(w$,i,1)
- 60 next:for i=1 to len(w$):print#4,mid$(w$,i,1)" ";:next:print#4:close4